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A Scottish Literature & Culture Teaching Workshop

F riday, 31 January 2025 09:30-14:00 The Scottish Literature and Culture Network invites you to an online workshop focused on mutual exchange, offering practical insights and strategies for teaching Scottish literature and culture. Our aim is to create an open, informal, and collaborative environment where participants can share their experiences, discuss challenges, and explore creative methods. By drawing directly from participants' own seminar practices, we hope to generate practical solutions and develop ideas. The workshop will address difficulties such as challenges related to language barriers, varying levels of students' prior knowledge, and limited access to both primary and secondary material. We will also host guest speakers to discuss integrating museum and archive collections into research-led teaching, focusing on heritage interpretation, storytelling, material cultures, and Scotland's role in Britain's imperial project.  If you wou...

Anglistiktag 2024 (Augsburg, 15-18 September 2024)

Scottish Futurities The Scottish Government presented the Independence Referendum of 2014 as ‘a choice between two futures’. A ‘Yes’ vote would allow to ‘make the most of the many opportunities that lie ahead […]. The door will open to a new era for our nations.’ In contrast, ‘[i]f we vote No, Scotland stands still’. The Independence Referendum starkly put into relief a sense of futurity we understand not just as the notion of what will happen, or of a time that is not yet, but rather as the idea of the future intertwined with affective attachments such as hope and fear.This concept emphasises both the potentiality and transformative nature of thinking about what lies ahead – what José Esteban Muñoz calls ‘the not-quite-here’. The exploration of identities and imagined worlds through a future-oriented lens expands the present’s horizons, challenging established narratives and introducing new political concerns. This process of activating or modifying unrealised possibilities, which may...

Launch, Burns Day (25 January) 2024, online

The official launch of the "Scottish Literature and Culture Network“ (ScotLitCult) takes place on Burns Day, 25th January 2024, as an online event.